Introduction to Astronomy


Maybe you’re new to Astronomy, or perhaps you’ve had some experience. This class is perfect for anyone. We will use inspirational and interactive methods as well as activities to demonstrate the profound concepts of space. Sometimes we don’t need rigorous mathematics or physics to understand quasars, spacetime, or Einstein’s relativity. Space is universal, and so should learning about space be. We believe no one is every “under qualified” to learn the scientific knowledge.

Course Catalog

Take one step closer to the cosmos.


  • Our astronomy courses are starting off as daily 1-2 hour daily summer classes lasting for around two weeks. Specific information like time will be provided as we get to early summer.

  • Introduction to Astronomy will be taught by our President and Founder Minghao Zou.

  • If you cannot make it to a lesson, we have online recordings which we will send to you, along with our YouTube videos and website resources.

  • No worries. You can contact us anytime with questions or concerns at!