Our tutors are here to help.
Responsive, flexible, and effective, our tutors are here for teaching, homework help, test preparation, and more in STEM related topics.
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Responsive, flexible, and effective, our tutors are here for teaching, homework help, test preparation, and more in STEM related topics.
Meet them here:
Hi! I'm Leo! I'm from NYC and I have an incredibly strong passion for math. Why? Math describes the laws of the universe and the ability to learn more about it. It not only gains insight into the grand scheme of things, but ideas beyond the cosmos.
Hello, my name is Justin Linzan! I am currently first-year student at Columbia University and will be the person who will tutor you in physics. I chose to be a physics tutor because I believe that the amount of logic and conceptual thinking that goes behind physics is something everyone should know. I will be there to guide you every step of the way and help you understand how you should be thinking when solving physics problems. Can't wait to show you a new world!
Hi! I’m Seraph, a current junior in high school, and I’ll be tutoring computer science at OPOC! I’ve had over 6 years of coding experience, and it has always been my favorite pastime. I hope to share my love for programming with you!
Hi, I’m Mihir and I’m a junior at Valley Christian High School. I enjoy writing, filming, playing the guitar, and badminton. In my free time, i also love to listen to music.